“Boring”, “I forget”, “I’m not thirsty”, “don’t like the taste”, “I feel bloated” sound familiar?
People often struggle to drink a lot of water, especially the kind without the addition of a tea bag and some milk!
However as part of our New Year, New Me campaign, we've got some tips and tricks to make it a little less of a chore.
When you wake up, drink 1/2 - 1pt of water (you don’t want to feel bloated so don’t overdo it!)
Here are some tips to make it easier:
Keep water by your bed so you can drink it before you get out of bed and get caught up in the distractions of the day
Experiment with the temperature - warm or hot water can be easier on your system and less likely to cause a full, bloated feeling
Add a slice/squeeze of lemon, lime or orange
A stainless steel flask can keep your water at your preferred temperature and acts as a measure of how much you consume each day
Filter your water for a cleaner taste or just fill a jug and stand on the counter (or in the fridge) and the chlorine will evaporate
Our bodies are made up of 60% water and we need to replace what we lose each day.
Benefits to good hydration:
Helps flush toxins from the body
Aids mental alertness, concentration and memory
Less likely to experience food cravings - these are often misinterpreted thirst signals
Can help you feel full and less likely to snack
You digest and absorb nutrients better
May relieve headaches
Helps maintain blood pressure
Aids the function of the kidneys
Boosts exercise performance
Our thirst signal becomes stronger and clearer, making it easier to maintain good hydration
Reduces the effects of a hangover
So go on, go grab a glass!
